Next years Programme will start in October 2024 - Applications will be available in the church until 29th September 2024.

Children must be in Year 4 in September 2024.

Only children who are registered parishioners of St Agatha’s Parish or attend St Agatha RC School will be excepted. If you are not registered or your child attends another school, please contact the Parish Office as you will need permission from your Parish Priest, and only if spaces are available.

First Holy Communion

The programme we follow is called ‘I Belong’.  There is a children’s workbook (easy read copies are available on request) which will be used in every session by the Catechists, during which time the children will be introduced to the chapters in the book.  The children will be expected to complete the session at home, with their families. The importance of this part of the programme, i.e. the parents’ teaching and sharing with their children at home, cannot be overemphasised.  It is the children’s time at home when they most intimately experience the things they are learning about in the sessions.  There is a Parents’ Guide to help you support your child over the coming months. 

1. Attendance

Children are expected to attend every Catechism session and a Sunday Mass, a Record of Mass Attendance card will be provided at the parents’ meeting.  If your child is unable to attend a session for any reason, you must inform the Parish Office or Catechist in advance.  Your child’s attendance will be taken into account as the programme progresses to establish whether they are sufficiently prepared to take the sacraments. 

2. Catechism Sessions

Children’s sessions will be held on Sundays from 11.45am until 1pm.  We ask that all parents attend the Parents Sessions which will be held during Sessions ……….

A small fruit snack will be provided to children who attend straight from the family Mass at 10.30am before the session starts. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle with them to every session.

Every parent must sign their child out at the end of the session. So please bear with the catechists at this busy moment.  You must let the parish office know in advance if someone other than yourself, or nominated persons, will be collecting your child. This is to comply with the diocesan safeguarding requirements.

3. Parent Help

A large number of children usually take part in the programme, and in order that the children can get the most out of each session, we will require parent helpers at every session and therefore you are requested to help at a minimum of one session.  You will not be required to lead the group, but to assist the Catechists by, e.g., supporting the children in small group activities. A sign-up sheet will be available at the parents meeting on ………..

4. Mass of Inscription

The purpose of this Mass is to present your child for entry into the First Communion Programme and to state your intention to continue the preparation you started, at his or her Baptism, for membership in the Faith community.  Their names will be called out and they will be asked to come forward with their parents.  Every child MUST attend this Mass.

5. Financial Contribution

We request a minimum contribution of £30 for the cost of the ‘I Belong’ Child & Parent books, which accompany the course, and as a contribution towards the FHC Programme.  

6. Photography

Reconciliation: No photographs whatsoever are permitted during this service.

First Holy Communion Mass: No photographs are permitted during the First Holy Communion Mass.  However, if parents would like to arrange for ONE photographer/videographer to record the Mass they must arrange this between themselves.  

7. First Holy Communion Mass

Each family will have ONE pew allocated, which will be clearly named on the day. Further details will be provided nearer the time. 

Thank you.

If you have any questions or queries, or require any further information, please email Karin Rattray, the Parish Secretary, at or call on 020 8546 4633. The office is open from 10am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (closed Wednesdays).

Finally, we would like to extend our grateful thanks to our Catechists for taking on this important role of assisting our children and enabling them to prepare for these sacraments.  If you would be interested in assisting them, please speak with our Parish Priests or contact the Parish Secretary.